
This video was shot when the whole Italy was in lockdown back in 2020. I love it because it is able to capture the beauty of my homeland with nobody around. Scroll down for more images.

  • The clocks in our towers mark the passage of time. I already know what you're thinking... Ever since quarantine began in our cities, time seems to have suddenly stopped.
    Below us solemn, deserted spaces… and always this silence that makes us suddenly notice the sound of leaves, the flow of water from fountains.
    Look at it from above our Romagna, what beauty! the streets, the squares, the beaches, the museums, the churches. Beautiful to make the heart clench. Beautiful to make one envious.
    We are used to life pulsating, people always on the move, cities that never stop. Let's stare at these moments and treasure them. They are already history. Let's look ahead!
    We will return to being the hospitable Romagna of “la dolce vita”. As always. We will resume moving and living our cities, working, having fun, making love, laughing. Because we are “Romagna people”. We will appreciate even more the beautiful things we have.... not only beautiful...the most beautiful!

My home town is called Forlì (from latin name Forum Livii) and is precisely located here:

Forlì is located is in the Italian region called Emilia-Romagna, being composed by the “upper” part Emilia and “lower” part Romagna. Nobody really knows where the border is, and I like to think it is cool like this.

All images taken from

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