Welcome to my personal digital space.
Escaping from the current noise of Internet, I created this space to feel free to share my thoughts, with no constraints.
For many of the past years, I have been studied “machines communication”, generally named telecommunications or electrical engineering. I am simply fascinated by anything wireless, from theoretical electromagnetism to silicon chipsets.
Almost 100 years ago, G. Marconi, the Italian inventor of the radio, stated the following:
Every day sees humanity more victorious in the struggle with space and time.
Guglielmo Marconi
In this regard, I believe that we (as technologically advanced humankind) have won the struggle, mentioned by G. Marconi. The connectivity between two points separated in space and time is today a problem solved; the digital access is nowadays a commodity, as well electricity or water had been in the past. We mastered electrons and photons, enabling information to flow across the globe in milliseconds.
Unfortunately, this kind of magic occurs through screens between computers o devices, and not directly between people. I believe, the human-computer-interface is still the significant barrier, or so to say, the elephant in the room of all digital social networks.
Given this, recently, I have become increasingly interested in “humans communication“, in terms of applied psychology. I discovered that this field is much more complex than engineering. If you think about it, any collaborative outcome in our society, work, family or life depends on our ability to communicate effectively.
Therefore, I think, this is the key for a new bright future.
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Mark Twain